Thursday, September 20, 2012

School Newspaper on the Horizon!

Many things have transpired in the technology department so far, this year, at BGBS.  Most of my classes have completed all sorts of tasks to include creating newsletters, to learning how to utilize multiple programs to create vibrant, interesting documents.  For example, here is a newsletter from my 6th grade class in which the students had to use Microsoft Word to create a newsletter.  The students had to use the tables, clip art, and other functions to make interesting newsletters like this :
Newsletter by Chris Karenbauer

Newsletter by Catelyn Hall

The School Newspaper

My 9th Grade students have completed their newspaper articles and we are now working on design, crossword puzzles. art sections, an irreverent joke page and a few other surprises.  If all goes well, the first issue will be produced for all to read in October.

Here is a tutorial for my students on how to make a cool PaintShop Pro image:  Click Here:  PaintShop Pro Tutorial #1  This tutorial will allow students to put a cool background into any image!