Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Adopt a Bug is a Big Hit!

Yesterday, the Second Grade class did a Microsoft Word project called "Adopt a Bug".  They had to use Google's images browser to find images of insects and then paste them into a Word document, give them a name and then tell me about their bugs.  The kids got rather creative with the project.  Some of the students found bugs that were "steam - punk" versions, like the one in the picture above,  and other's found zombie bugs, ghost bugs, clown bugs, etc...They were far more creative than I would have imagined and as usual they were very enthusiastic about the project.  
I am amazed at how fast they have learned how to:
  • Turn on a monitor and actually find the button, because all of the monitors are different and the buttons are sometimes hidden.
  • Log in
  • Open a Word document
  • Look for images on Google
  • Copy Images from the Net
  • Paste into Word
  • Type and use Word Art functions
So far, we are really having a blast!!!   More cool things and fun to come (as well as some learnin')!


Elmo said...

Oh, by the way...My new title at the school is "Mr. Ellis I need help!"